The participation trajectory
The amai! project consists of four parts or phases, in which information and involvement are central. Click on one of the titles to learn more.
Citizen science
Amai! wil innovatie en onderzoek in AI stimuleren en aansturen door middel van een intense dialoog met de burger. Daarom streeft het project een citizenscience-aanpak na in alle fases van het project.
Amai! wil innovatie en onderzoek in AI stimuleren en aansturen door middel van een intense dialoog met de burger. Daarom streeft het project een citizenscience-aanpak na in alle fases van het project.
Phase 1: Insights and ideas
A wide range of accessible activities to give citizens more insight into the subject. Along with the activity, they can share their idea for AI.
A wide range of accessible activities to give citizens more insight into the subject. Along with the activity, they can share their idea for AI.
Phase 2: Co-creation, from ideas to solutions
Citizens collaborate with AI experts and domain experts to develop raw ideas into complete concepts for AI solutions.
Citizens collaborate with AI experts and domain experts to develop raw ideas into complete concepts for AI solutions.
Phase 3: The project call
The ideas and concepts for AI solutions serve as a basis for a project call. Which teams can make these ideas from citizens a reality? After expert judgment, citizens have the final say on which projects receive financial support.
The ideas and concepts for AI solutions serve as a basis for a project call. Which teams can make these ideas from citizens a reality? After expert judgment, citizens have the final say on which projects receive financial support.
Phase 4: The development of projects
The selected projects realize ideas and involve citizens in the implementation.
The selected projects realize ideas and involve citizens in the implementation.
The amai! project has gone through all of these phases several times, and each one included modifications and refinements. These pages contain a general description of the approach, important differences between the various editions of the amai! initiative will be mentioned when applicable.